Musings for Sun. July 21, the 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time
In Mark’s gospel, the disciples have returned from their work of proclaiming Good News. They tell Jesus everything that they have been doing. He invites them to come away with him to a deserted place to rest. Some folks track them down and Jesus, being Lord of all, responds to them, healing them and teaching them. We have the sense that the disciples continue to rest.
We are in the middle of summer and many of us are blessed to be able to take a few days to rest from the work that is ours. Some of us are taking our rest at home and some of us can go visiting or camping. Some of us are blessed to take some time at a cabin at the lake. Wherever we are, it is important that we take some rest. As we do this let us not forget to rest with the Lord. When we take rest, we rest from our work and not from our relationship with the Lord.
When the disciples finished their work, they wanted to share what the Lord had been doing in them and through them. Jesus welcomed their reflections.
God has sent us and continues to send us. God is at work in us too. When we have our time of rest, let us not forget to speak to the Lord about what he is doing in our lives. Let us never forget to share with others what God is doing within us. As we speak, let us not forget to listen to what the Lord wants to teach us.
Some Things from the Parish:
Fr. Doug is away – Following Mass on Sunday, July 21, I will be away at Chitek Lake. I will return to the Parish on Saturday, July 27 in time for our Mass. Fr. April will replace me for weekday Masses on Wednesday, July 24 and Friday, July 26. On Tuesday, July 23 and Thursday, July 25 we will have Lay Presided Liturgies.
Baptism – On July 28, we will celebrate the sacrament of Baptism at 2:00 pm. Please pray for the parents and children who will come to celebrate this important sacrament. |