Musings for the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time
The Synod will begin in Rome on October 4 and conclude on October 28. It is a reminder of the importance of listening to one another. We don’t always do a good job of that in our Church, in our communities, or in our families and relationships. Today Isaiah reminds us that, “the Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn backward.”
In the Baptismal ritual for infants, the priest prays over the ears and mouth of the child, asking God to open them so that the child will hear God’s word and speak God’s word. During our lifetime, we listen to lots of things and some of them are helpful to us and some are not. God has gifted many of us with the ability to hear and to speak. We often find it difficult to listen to voices that are different than our own. We tend to shut down voices that are different. Some we disregard before a sound is uttered. Listening to others is hard work. Those who serve the Lord, however, acknowledge that God opens their ears and invites them to listen. They listen despite the challenges that come with listening.
God calls me to listen, to keep my ears open, so that the many voices are heard. This week, let us practice listening so that when people speak of me, they will tell others that I am a good listener.
Season of Creation – During this season of Creation, we are invited to be aware of how the Earth is suffering. Pope Francis writes in Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, “We are called to acknowledge our contribution, smaller or greater, to the disfigurement and destruction of creation. … To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God.” Can I hear the cries of the earth? Can I hear what the earth is saying to me/to us?
Can I encourage others to listen? Action always follows listening!
Baptism Formation Session will be held on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00pm. The next Baptism will be celebrated on Sunday, September 29. |