Musings for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
This Sunday, as we celebrate our Canadian Thanksgiving, we read from the Letter to the Hebrews, “12 Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
In preparation for the upcoming Jubilee Year (Pilgrims of Hope – December 24, 2024 – January 6, 2026) we are invited to read the Bible. Pope Francis encouraged us to do that as he announced the Jubilee Year. When we read God’s word, especially the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and as we deepen our knowledge of the message of Jesus, we slowly see ourselves and our work as Jesus does. A very important aspect of God seeing us is that God asks us to work alongside him in the wonderful act of creation and in the care of creation.
As we read God’s word, we are transformed. We see our sin. We see God’s mercy. We see our possibility. We see the need for God’s mercy among our brothers and sisters. We see opportunities to care for the whole of creation.
Often, we are busy, and we don’t see. We don’t look at our hearts and we don’t look at our thoughts. We don’t let God’s word touch our lives.
Perhaps as we travel to join our families and friends, perhaps as we enjoy a little time away from our work, perhaps as we give thanks for all the blessings we have received, we can also let God’s word touch our hearts and minds helping us to see what thoughts and actions we need to let go of (our sins). Perhaps we can also make a commitment to seek God’s mercy and walk in the footsteps of the Lord.
A Few Things from the Parish
Thanksgiving weekend is here – Happy Thanksgiving! As we gather with family and friends, let us notice the good things that are happening all around us and let us express our gratitude to God by sharing in the celebration of the Eucharist wherever we may find ourselves. Let us also make a special effort to let God know we are thankful and to let God feed us with his word and the Eucharist. Safe travels to all as we travel to visit family and friends.
Developing Disciples of Christ: Understanding the Critical Relationship Between Catechesis and Evangelization – This Wednesday, October 16, Shirley, Sr. Cindy and Fr. Doug will be at the Diocesan Fall Congress which runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, taking in the theme of the relationship between catechesis and evangelization. Consequently, they will be gone from the Parish Office all day.
Given that Fr. Doug will be away, on Wed. Oct. 16, there will be no Morning Mass. Please join us for Mass in the evening at 7:00 pm. During this Mass, the Knights of Columbus will install the new Officers for our Council for the coming year. All are welcome to join us for this Mass.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting – On Thursday evening, Oct. 17, the Parish Pastoral Council will gather at 7:00 pm for their regular meeting.
Confirmation and Reception into the Church – On Saturday, October 19, Dave and Bonnie Flood will be confirmed, received into the Church and receive Eucharist for the first time at the 5:00 pm Mass. Please join us for the Mass and for a little celebration following the liturgy! |