Musings for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Do you ever compare yourself, your job, your home, your car, your looks, your income, with your siblings or others? Do you ever wonder why God gave you ‘this’ and not ‘that’? Do you ever wonder why some people lead a charmed life and others must manage countless challenges?
In the Gospel this Sunday, Jesus is in the synagogue, and he is watching people put money in the treasury. He reflects on the fact that some people put in huge sums of money and then he notices a widow who puts in a few coins. He reflects that those who gave lots gave from their abundance, but it was not really a gift, a sacrifice, because they have lots. He suggests that the gift of the widow is remarkable because she did not give the leftovers, she gave all that she had.
We have what we have. God has made us as we are, and we are good! All of us are at different places in our lives and in our journey with God. Whether it is our time, our talent or our treasure, it is important that we are generous. Followers of Jesus are generous not stingy. On the sliding scale, where I am? Am I more like the rich folks who give from a big purse or am I more like the widow giving all that I have? What does your heart prompt you to do? Pay attention to the Spirit of God who speaks to your heart. Be generous in sharing your time, talent and treasure. It is not about the amount; it is about the intention of your heart!
St. Philip Neri MEN (only) – Please mark your calendars for Thursday, November 14, at 6:30 pm. The COR Meeting will take place beginning with supper and fellowship and will continue with prayer and scripture study.
Fr. Doug will be away on Tuesday, November 12. Fr. Jim Brobst from our Oblate General Council in Rome will arrive on Monday, November 11 and will be visiting Fr. Doug and the Oblates/Associates from Saskatchewan. He will be here until Thursday, November 14.
For our weekday liturgy community, we will be having an altar server training session on Wednesday, November 13, following the 8:30 am Mass. If you would like to serve, please mark your calendars and join us for the training session. |