Musings for the Feast of Christ the King
This Sunday in the gospel of John, Pilate asks Jesus if he is the King of the Jews. He wants to know what Jesus has done that the religious leaders would turn him over to be accused, tried and crucified. Jesus responds by saying that, ‘My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.’ (John 18:36)
We live in a beautiful world where there is much suffering and much goodness. It is important that we live our lives with truth and wonder, that we are fully engaged in this life. At the same time, it is important to remember that how we live here prepares us for eternity. Sometimes our eyes are focused too much on the ‘now’ and we live as if this life is all there is. Sometimes our eyes are focused too much on the ‘future’ and we live as if this life and what happens around us is not important.
It is a challenge for us to keep one eye on the present and the other on the future. Remembering that all we have and all we are are gifts from God can help us keep this balance in our lives. It can lead us to fully engage in the world while also giving thanks and praise to God.
The death and resurrection of Jesus has made it possible for us to gather with all the saints in heaven. What is my response to this incredible gift? What can I do to prepare myself for my entry into the heavenly kingdom where Jesus Christ is King?
Week of Prayer for Persecuted Christians – Some of you may have noticed that a red light was shining on our Sign out front. This week we celebrated Red Wednesday, a day (week) of prayer for the many Christians who are persecuted for their faith.
Commissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion – This Sunday we will formally commission our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. Canon 898 states that, “Christ’s faithful are to hold the blessed Eucharist in the highest honour. They should take an active part in the sacrament with great devotion and frequency, and should reverence it with the greatest adoration.”
Each year we, as pastors, are invited to commission our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion for one year on the Feast of Christ the King. This year as I commission our sisters and brothers for this important ministry, I give thanks for their generosity and for their faith. May we pray for them as they exercise this important ministry at our Sacred Liturgy.
Holidays – I will be leaving for my holidays after our Sunday liturgy this weekend. I will return to the Office to the Parish on Thursday, December 5, will celebrate the daily liturgy on Friday, December 6 and will also be in the office that day. A huge word of thanks to the Lay Presiders who will lead daily Liturgies of the Word with Communion during my absence. A huge word of thanks also to Fr. April who will celebrate with you in my absence.
Fr. Doug has a Visitor – Fr. Ken Thorson, OMI, our Provincial Superior, will come for a visit on Thursday, December 5, and will leave on Monday, December 9. Our Saskatchewan District Community (Oblates and Associates) will gather on Sunday, December 8 at 5:30 pm, here in the Welcome Area, for a potluck supper in honour of Mary, our patroness. At 7:00 pm, we will gather in the church with the Religious Sisters of the Saskatoon area for a Sung Evening Prayer and Social. As religious men and women, we make a commitment to pray the Liturgy of the Hours every day. It is a privilege to gather and sing our prayer, praising and thanking God together for all that God is doing within us and around us.
Four back pews temporarily unavailable – Please be aware that the four raised pews at the back of the church beside the baptismal font have been pushed together to make room for our Hamper Project boxes and will be unavailable for seating until after the completion of our Hamper Project. Previously the Hamper Project was located in the Welcome Area. Last year because of funerals, meetings, and gatherings, we were constantly moving the many boxes. This was achieved with the help of Hanook (full time) and others. This year Lance is part time. The Welcome Area is booked more heavily than last year, so the Hamper Project will now be located inside the church. When the Project is complete, the pews will be returned to their original places. This Project is very important as it helps so many families in need at Christmas, so we really appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this temporary seating adjustment. |