The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon strives to make parishes safe places for everyone.  They have implemented three policy documents to create safe environments for children, vulnerable adults and for those who minister, including clergy, lay employees and church volunteers.  These  documents are:

  • Covenant of Care
  • Allegations of Serious Misconduct Protocol
  • Code of Conduct

To learn more about these documents, go to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon – Safe Environment. 

In addition, all parishes select a Parish Coordinator of Care (PCC) to act as a resource for their faith community.   The PCC for St. Philip Neri Parish is  Brian Zimmer, (306) 227-0171.  Anyone who is aware of a breach of protocol may contact  our PPC,  or one of our pastors, Fr. Mike Dechant OMI , (306) 850-9075 or Fr. Ken Forster OMI,  (306) 715-5064.

Certainly, allegations of a criminal nature should be made directly to city police or the local branch of the RCMP.  Our PCC may also be advised of the incident.

If you are uncomfortable with reporting an incident within our parish,  you may contact the diocese and report it there.  To report directly to the diocese,  please contact one of the following individuals.  Anne Williams, (306) 220-0448 or  , or Fr.  Marvin Lishchynsky(306) 659-5825 or toll free at 1-877-661-5005 Extension *825  or