Our Parish offers many opportunities for parishioners to participate in the celebration of the Mass. We provide training in all liturgical ministries so you need not have any prior experience. We do ask that you commit to one year of service but you may easily book off a weekend or two, vacation time, or an extended winter getaway when you will not be available to serve. Below are listed our liturgical and other worship related ministries. Please click on a ministry to read more about it.
We are beginning to resume some of these ministries again. Please contact Shirley Hyshka for more information at
Altar Servers assist the celebrant at the altar. They process at the beginning and the closing of the Mass carrying the candles and the cross. They remain in the sanctuary during the Mass and prepare the altar for Communion. Anyone aged 8 and up is allowed to serve. Altar servers are usually arranged in teams of three and every effort is made to arrange siblings on the same team. No experience is needed. Training is provided.
Children’s Liturgy provides prayer liturgy for those children aged 3 to 7 with age appropriate activities related to the Sunday liturgy. This is an activity held during the Mass but everyone is back in time for the liturgy of the Eucharist. A presider and assistant(s) lead the sessions. Lesson plans and activity materials are provided for the leaders.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion distribute the Precious Body and Blood at Communion. These volunteers work as a team and approach the altar during the Lamb of God during the Mass. They position themselves along the front of the church proper and distribute Body and Blood for each of the communal lines as they process up the aisles. Participation in this ministry is very important and presumes a reverent, respectful mindset within the Mass.
At St. philip Neri Parish, people are invited to pray with the Blessed Sacrament in the main area of the church every week on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm or on every second Thursday of the month, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Facilitator – Mondays: Kerry Williams Facilitator – Thursdays: Elaine Baribeau
On the first weekend of every month we offer refreshments/dainties and fellowship in our Welcome area after each Mass. Our Hospitality ministry is responsible for preparing the refreshments, etc. and having tables and chairs ready for our parishioners and visitors at the end of Mass. Hospitality is usually arranged in teams of two but families can sign up as a team to serve in the monthly rotation.
Lectors proclaim the Old and New Testament readings from the ambo during the Mass. They are also responsible for reading the Prayers of the Faithful after the Creed.
We have a number of different choirs at St Philip Neri. The weekend Mass choirs sing on a rotational basis for our Saturday and Sunday Masses. We also have many talented parishioners who play piano along with other instruments to accompany the choirs. New musicians are always welcome to join any of the choirs. Some of our community offer their voices for our Resurrection choir which is often invited to sing at the Church’s funerals. You may also be interested in being a Cantor to sing at weddings or funerals. Facilitator – Joanne Lysyshyn
We also offer a Youth choir for children aged 8 to 15. This choir sings several times throughout the year at Masses and other events. Practice is typically held on Mondays after school for an hour. Facilitator – Shirley Hyshka
Sacristans are the lifeblood of the Masses. They are the people who work behind the scenes preparing all of the church vessels, hosts and wine, lighting candles, double checking that all Mass ministries are filled, and of course, opening and locking the Church doors.
Our welcomers/ushers greet our parishioners and visitors as they arrive at our Church for Mass. They usher those visitors needing assistance to a seat, oversee the collection of gifts, usher the procession at Communion, distribute bulletins, and carry out other duties as needed. Welcomers/ushers are usually arranged in teams of 4 to 6 and are typically scheduled to serve once per month. Facilitator – Bill Hricz
More information coming about our Youth Ministry.