St. Philip Neri Parish Pastoral Council 2024-2025

Fr. Doug Jeffrey OMI – Pastor and K of C Rep

Guy Werbicki – Chairperson Katarina Nechvatal – Vice chairperson

Mary-Gae Gerwing – CWL Rep Mark Nickolayou

Deb Bauche – Parish Nurse (staff) Shirley Hyshka – Pastoral Associate (staff)

The Nature of Parish Pastoral Councils

The Parish Pastoral Council brings together lay people and religious who, together with their pastor(s), work jointly to build the parish as a living Christian community. Thus Parish Council members care about parish life in other communities of the Diocese, share in the concerns of the Church universal, and strive to bring the Gospel message to all people and places in their neighbourhood.

This responsibility of the Parish Pastoral Council does not take away from the continued mission and responsibility of the parish as a whole. Each baptized parish member remains responsible in his or her own way for the mission of the parish.

Any parishioner is eligible to sit on the Parish Pastoral Council. Nomination and election to the Council usually takes place in the spring after the Annual General Meeting. Below is a brief overview of the role and responsibilities of the Parish Pastoral Council at St. Philip Neri. For more information about the Council and it’s role and activities, please call the parish office at (306) 343-0325.

  • To act as a consultative body serving the Pastor/Pastoral Leadership Team in the spirit of mutual appreciation, charity and dialogue
  • To be a key instrument of lay leadership in the pastoral care of the parish, collaborating to build the parish as a living, witnessing Christian Community.
  • To share the concerns of the broader Church – other parishes, deaneries, the diocese, and the Church Universal
  • To strive to enable the parish community to bring the gospel message to all people and places in their neighbourhood and beyond
  • Grow in knowledge of the mission and the ministry of Jesus in which the parish community by virtue of baptism is called to share
  • Understand and/or assist with the development of a community vision or mission that takes into consideration the overall good of the parish
  • Promote pastoral activity (community building, worship, proclamation of the Word, care of others) that will help the parish transform its vision into action, recognizing that every baptized person is both called and gifted for ministry and that the discovery and sharing of these gifts for the building of the kingdom must be facilitated.